Liferay PortletURL in JavaScript

Each more we feel the need of becoming more and more web 2.0, it sounds like a physics law to the "guys" that are trying to survivor arround the amazing applications that surround us across the urls.

Since few months ago I want to blog post about the new Liferay functionality that let you build PortletURLs using JavaScript only.

There are many places you can apply this new way of generating PortletURLs. Imagine a big list of links on your portlet, instead of download repeated hundreds urls from the server site you can simply create a javascript function that retuns a PortletURL instance and set on the fly the parameters you need. And now, you can simply integrate your pure javascript files (.js) with PortletURLs, without over passing it as parameter for your javascript constructor or another work-arround came from our misterious mind.

The usage of this functionality using JavaScript is very simple:

var portletURL = new Liferay.PortletURL();
portletURL.setParameter("key1", "value");
portletURL.setParameter("key2", "value");
alert( "that is the url: " + portletURL.toString() );

Or you can simply wrap it into a javascript function:

function createRowURL( row ) {
   var portletURL = new Liferay.PortletURL();
   portletURL.setParameter("rowNumber", row );

   return portletURL.toString();

alert( "row1: " + createRowURL(1) );
alert( "row2: " + createRowURL(2) );

If you want to know what methods you can play with the JavaScript Liferay.PortletURL you can take a quick look on the methods below:

  • setCopyCurrentRenderParameters: function(copyCurrentRenderParameters);
  • setDoAsUserId: function(doAsUserId);
  • setEncrypt: function(encrypt);
  • setEscapeXML: function(escapeXML);
  • setLifecycle: function(lifecycle);
  • setName: function(name);
  • setParameter: function(key, value);
  • setPlid: function(plid);
  • setPortletConfiguration: function(portletConfiguration);
  • setPortletId: function(portletId);
  • setPortletMode: function(portletMode);
  • setResourceId: function(resourceId);
  • setSecure: function(secure);
  • setWindowState: function(windowState);
  • toString: function();

I’ve also created some shortcuts for diferent kind of urls on the portal:

  • var actionURL = Liferay.PortletURL.createActionURL(); // = new Liferay.PortletURL(‘ACTION_PHASE’);
  • var renderURL = Liferay.PortletURL.createRenderURL(); // = new Liferay.PortletURL(‘RENDER_PHASE’);
  • var resourceURL = Liferay.PortletURL.createResourceURL(); // = new Liferay.PortletURL(‘RESOURCE_PHASE’);
  • var permissionURL = Liferay.PortletURL.createPermissionURL(portletResource, modelResource, modelResourceDescription, resourcePrimKey);


I hope it help you guys. Enjoy!